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Do I hear $200 million

July 13, 2009

I am not sure my guess is right or wong but press speculation that Thaksin is bargaining for a safe haven for exile in Fiji was promptly dismissed by Thaksin’s lawyer, Noppadon Pattama, who said the ex-premier was merely exploring investment opportunities for a small project in Fiji and not a $200 million project as speculated by the media. He also denied that Thaksin had visited Tonga and Vanuatu, two other island states in the South Pacific

This is an advice to you Mr Thaksin as you are also a victim of military coup stay away from Bainimarama or you will suffer the cosequences.


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  1. lastpolarbear permalink
    July 14, 2009 1:36 AM

    Is this the beginning of Frank selling Islands to offshore investors to raise capitol for himself ?
    Will the selling of those properties be legal and binding once Democracy is restored ?
    Will it have to reach this point before Fijians make a stand ?

  2. LUVfiji permalink
    July 14, 2009 2:00 AM

    Good questions @lastpolarbear!

    But, unfortunately, I could offer no answers.

    In fact, I have often wondered that myself, particularly with the recent sale of the RBF Governor’s plush residence in upmarket Princes Rd. Didnt take much effort in convincing that supposed $m’naire to buy it off. I am of course assuming reports on the blogs were accurate! Mmm.. how much will he sell off for if and when he is ready to finally giveup living a double life ‘n FO to his family who have comfortably settled in NZ.

    Meanwhile, the illegal Governor knows too damn well as he sits uneasily on the RBF top post thats eluded him all these freekin’ years.. he will, anyway, make the extra big buck while he can and FO to his mansion in Rakiraki sitting on a strategic point overlooking the Navitilevu Bay.

    Moce tiko ga na kawa i Taukei !!

  3. lastpolarbear permalink
    July 14, 2009 3:12 AM

    I have heard from a few sources outside of Fiji, that Frank can be very charming and convincing.
    Then you have the added dilemma of the cultural issues between the various factions, clans and islands etc.
    Anyone who understands this, could easily sway others into supporting his own agenda.
    So, to undermine Frank’s attempts at persuading the other members of the Pacific island forum , it is the job of the ordinary man in the street to try and convince those members, that Frank is lying and only looking out for himself.
    Fijian civilians must also lobby those members to have Fiji returned to Democracy immediately, especially when you consider the destruction of the community, jobs, the sugar industry, the peacekeeping deployments, the economy, the increase in poverty, disease and the total destruction of the Fijian institutions and culture.
    You must write to the appropriate members and advise them and petition them. Has anyone thought of doing an online E- petition for this purpose ?

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